Marine Hazard Project

Development of innovative technologies for identification, monitoring and mitigation of natural and anthropic contamination processes

Hydrothermalism and marine mineral resources

Remediation of contaminated sediments

Integrated observation of the sea

Recovery of degraded marine-coastal areas


The ability to evaluate and manage possible harmful events by natural and/or anthropogenic forcers in the marine environment, with modern technologies, is based on the understanding of the potential mechanisms of the genesis of events and on the availability of tools capable of mitigating and possibly preventing / managing their effects on the environment and humans.


The main objective of the project is the creation of an integrated system of skills able to effectively and innovatively cope with some environmental risk-related issues, with specific reference to coastal marine environment. This environment, in particular in the Regions of Convergence, represents a strategic element for local economy, as well as an area of particular vulnerability either in terms of environment-related resources both or in terms of the effects on local residents’ human health.


The project partnership is characterized by a strong interdisciplinary component: the different scientific-technological skills, in a unique blend of public and private partners represent among the best experiences in the field of marine sciences and its resources, especially as regards:

  • the assessment of the risk connected to possible projects for the exploitation and extraction of precious materials present on the seabed;
  • the implementation of prototypes for the remediation and recovery of polluted marine sediments;
  • the development of environmental sensors and remote sensing technologies for the prediction of coastal erosion and anthropization phenomena;
  • the development of environmental restoration technologies.

Contact us

    Development of innovative technologies for identification, monitoring and mitigation of natural and anthropic contamination processes.

    Marine Hazard 2020 powered by ideAd
    ©Credits Francesco SessoBruno Pitruzzella

    Cod. PON03PE_00203_1 – CUP: B12I1500540005
    FSC 2014-2020 per il Piano Stralcio «Ricerca e innovazione 2015-2017» di competenza MIUR per il PON «Ricerca e Competitività» 2007-2013
    Avviso: D.D. 713 Ric. del 29 ottobre 2010 Titolo III – Creazione di nuovi Distretti e/o nuove Aggregazioni Pubblico – Private

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