Recovery of degraded marine-coastal areas

Development of integrated actions for environmental mitigation / recovery of degraded marine-coastal areas through the restoration of Posidonia oceanica meadows

Recovery of degraded marine-coastal areas

Development of integrated actions for environmental mitigation / recovery of degraded marine-coastal areas through the restoration of Posidonia oceanica meadows

The Project will take care of restoring degraded seabed through reforestation interventions with Posidonia oceanica.
The project involves the use of a system made of biodegradable plastic (bioplastic) for fixing, in rapid and effective form, Posidonia oceanica cuttings on the seabed, in order to ensure the rooting and growth of the plant and to facilitate the natural development dynamics of the prairie.
The most efficient techniques will be identified to remove external contaminants from Posidonia oceanica seeds in order to prolong the conservation of seeds in sterile conditions.
The project will identify ways of breeding shoots of the plant in the aquarium, aimed at reducing mortality caused by infections, and to identify optimal substrates for the rooting and growth of seedlings that can also be used for sea transfer.
Within this macro-sector, the aim is also to investigate the role of polymorphism and genetic diversity in defining transplant performance, developing investigation tools for the early identification of the plant’s response to environmental stress.

The Project will take care of restoring degraded seabed through reforestation interventions with Posidonia oceanica.
The project involves the use of a system made of biodegradable plastic (bioplastic) for fixing, in rapid and effective form, Posidonia oceanica cuttings on the seabed, in order to ensure the rooting and growth of the plant and to facilitate the natural development dynamics of the prairie.
The most efficient techniques will be identified to remove external contaminants from Posidonia oceanica seeds in order to prolong the conservation of seeds in sterile conditions.
The project will identify ways of breeding shoots of the plant in the aquarium, aimed at reducing mortality caused by infections, and to identify optimal substrates for the rooting and growth of seedlings that can also be used for sea transfer.
Within this macro-sector, the aim is also to investigate the role of polymorphism and genetic diversity in defining transplant performance, developing investigation tools for the early identification of the plant’s response to environmental stress.

Are involved in this research goal:

Are involved in this research goal:

Development of innovative technologies for identification, monitoring and mitigation of natural and anthropic contamination processes

Marine Hazard 2020 powered by ideAd
©Credits Francesco SessoBruno Pitruzzella

Cod. PON03PE_00203_1 – CUP: B12I1500540005
FSC 2014-2020 per il Piano Stralcio «Ricerca e innovazione 2015-2017» di competenza MIUR per il PON «Ricerca e Competitività» 2007-2013
Avviso: D.D. 713 Ric. del 29 ottobre 2010 Titolo III – Creazione di nuovi Distretti e/o nuove Aggregazioni Pubblico – Private

Development of innovative technologies for identification, monitoring and mitigation of natural and anthropic contamination processes

Marine Hazard 2020 realizzato da ideAd
©Credits Francesco SessoBruno Pitruzzella
Cod. PON03PE_00203_1 – CUP: B12I1500540005
FSC 2014-2020 per il Piano Stralcio «Ricerca e innovazione 2015-2017» di competenza MIUR per il PON «Ricerca e Competitività» 2007-2013
Avviso: D.D. 713 Ric. del 29 ottobre 2010 Titolo III – Creazione di nuovi Distretti e/o nuove Aggregazioni Pubblico – Private

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