
Marine Hazard’s project activities include a part of industrial research and experimental development and a part of advanced training, with the “Marine School” master in technologies and processes for the marine-coastal environment.
The central objective is the creation of an integrated system of skills on the territory able to deal with relevant aspects regarding environmental risk – with a specific focus on the marine-coastal system – in a modern and effective way.
The results obtained, through four specific areas of action, aim at the construction of technological prototypes for the management of the hazard in the coastal marine environment in the areas of interest of the project.
Marine Hazard will therefore lead to the creation of skills on the territory capable of effectively addressing relevant aspects of risk mitigation in the marine environment.
The four specific actions of the project represent a wide range of fields of action of significant strategic interest for the development of entire supply chains of the economy of the sea being an example for the development of strategic activities in areas of mitigation and recovery of marine environments degraded by natural and anthropic impact phenomena.


Marine Hazard’s project activities include a part of industrial research and experimental development and a part of advanced training, with the “Marine School” master in technologies and processes for the marine-coastal environment.
The central objective is the creation of an integrated system of skills on the territory able to deal with relevant aspects regarding environmental risk – with a specific focus on the marine-coastal system – in a modern and effective way.
The results obtained, through four specific areas of action, aim at the construction of technological prototypes for the management of the hazard in the coastal marine environment in the areas of interest of the project.
Marine Hazard will therefore lead to the creation of skills on the territory capable of effectively addressing relevant aspects of risk mitigation in the marine environment.
The four specific actions of the project represent a wide range of fields of action of significant strategic interest for the development of entire supply chains of the economy of the sea being an example for the development of strategic activities in areas of mitigation and recovery of marine environments degraded by natural and anthropic impact phenomena.


Marine Hazard’s project activities include a part of industrial research and experimental development and a part of advanced training, with the “Marine School” master in technologies and processes for the marine-coastal environment.
The central objective is the creation of an integrated system of skills on the territory able to deal with relevant aspects regarding environmental risk – with a specific focus on the marine-coastal system – in a modern and effective way.
The results obtained, through four specific areas of action, aim at the construction of technological prototypes for the management of the hazard in the coastal marine environment in the areas of interest of the project.
Marine Hazard will therefore lead to the creation of skills on the territory capable of effectively addressing relevant aspects of risk mitigation in the marine environment.
The four specific actions of the project represent a wide range of fields of action of significant strategic interest for the development of entire supply chains of the economy of the sea being an example for the development of strategic activities in areas of mitigation and recovery of marine environments degraded by natural and anthropic impact phenomena.


The term “Marine hazard” refers to the range of probabilities that a harmful or fearsome event will occur due to the effect of natural
and / or anthropogenic forces in the marine environment. The ability to assess and react to these hazards is based on the understanding of the mechanisms
that trigger potential events and the availability of tools able of mitigating and possibly preventing and managing their effects on the environment and humans.

Download the data policy


The term “Marine hazard” refers to the range of probabilities that a harmful or fearsome event will occur due to the effect of natural
and / or anthropogenic forces in the marine environment. The ability to assess and react to these hazards is based on the understanding of the mechanisms
that trigger potential events and the availability of tools able of mitigating and possibly preventing and managing their effects on the environment and humans.

Download the data policy

Development of innovative technologies for identification, monitoring and mitigation of natural and anthropic contamination processes

Marine Hazard 2020 powered by ideAd
©Credits Francesco SessoBruno Pitruzzella

Cod. PON03PE_00203_1 – CUP: B12I1500540005
FSC 2014-2020 per il Piano Stralcio «Ricerca e innovazione 2015-2017» di competenza MIUR per il PON «Ricerca e Competitività» 2007-2013
Avviso: D.D. 713 Ric. del 29 ottobre 2010 Titolo III – Creazione di nuovi Distretti e/o nuove Aggregazioni Pubblico – Private

Development of innovative technologies for identification, monitoring and mitigation of natural and anthropic contamination processes

Marine Hazard 2020 realizzato da ideAd
©Credits Francesco SessoBruno Pitruzzella
Cod. PON03PE_00203_1 – CUP: B12I1500540005
FSC 2014-2020 per il Piano Stralcio «Ricerca e innovazione 2015-2017» di competenza MIUR per il PON «Ricerca e Competitività» 2007-2013
Avviso: D.D. 713 Ric. del 29 ottobre 2010 Titolo III – Creazione di nuovi Distretti e/o nuove Aggregazioni Pubblico – Private

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