Management training education research

Mater is involved in two activities:

  • R&D (Remediation of contaminated sediments), where it conducts investigations on different treatment systems of contaminated marine sediments, such as microbial leaching, phytoremediation and Supercritical CO2 Extraction, in order to integrate them into a combined prototype treatment system;
  • Training: with the management of the “Course in Technologies and processes for the marine-coastal environment” which aims to train 10 professionals specialized in the field of technologies for the management of marine resources and hazard mitigation in the coastal environment.

Other Marine Hazard partner

Management training education research

Mater is involved in two activities:

  • R&D (Remediation of contaminated sediments), where it conducts investigations on different treatment systems of contaminated marine sediments, such as microbial leaching, phytoremediation and Supercritical CO2 Extraction, in order to integrate them into a combined prototype treatment system;
  • Training: with the management of the “Course in Technologies and processes for the marine-coastal environment” which aims to train 10 professionals specialized in the field of technologies for the management of marine resources and hazard mitigation in the coastal environment.

Other Marine Hazard partner

Development of innovative technologies for identification, monitoring and mitigation of natural and anthropic contamination processes

Marine Hazard 2020 powered by ideAd
©Credits Francesco SessoBruno Pitruzzella

Cod. PON03PE_00203_1 – CUP: B12I1500540005
FSC 2014-2020 per il Piano Stralcio «Ricerca e innovazione 2015-2017» di competenza MIUR per il PON «Ricerca e Competitività» 2007-2013
Avviso: D.D. 713 Ric. del 29 ottobre 2010 Titolo III – Creazione di nuovi Distretti e/o nuove Aggregazioni Pubblico – Private

Development of innovative technologies for identification, monitoring and mitigation of natural and anthropic contamination processes

Marine Hazard 2020 realizzato da ideAd
©Credits Francesco SessoBruno Pitruzzella
Cod. PON03PE_00203_1 – CUP: B12I1500540005
FSC 2014-2020 per il Piano Stralcio «Ricerca e innovazione 2015-2017» di competenza MIUR per il PON «Ricerca e Competitività» 2007-2013
Avviso: D.D. 713 Ric. del 29 ottobre 2010 Titolo III – Creazione di nuovi Distretti e/o nuove Aggregazioni Pubblico – Private

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